VI-PL2 280812
Adaptor for Vimar Plana ® serie; White coloured with 2 holes for 2-output demixed outlets (PDM).
VI-PLS 287121
Adaptor for Vimar Plana Silver ® serie; Silver coloured with 1 hole for 1-output outlets (SPI e SPF).
VI-PLS2 287122
Adaptor for Vimar Plana Silver ® serie; Silver coloured with 2 holes for 2-output demixed outlets (PDM).
PL1 280736
Plastic adaptor for SPI.. and SPF.. (for European box Ø 60mm)
BT-INT-KEY 287605
BT-LIG-KEY 287606
BT-LIGT-KEY 287599
BT-MA-KEY 287603
BT-MAT-KEY 287608
GW-CB-KEY 287601
GW-SYB-KEY 287598
GW-SYW-KEY 287609
VI-ARK-B-KEY 287600
VI-ARK-W-KEY 287604
VI-ID-KEY 287602