UX-S LTE 287337
UX-TW LTE 287338
UX-TW LTE FR 287424
UX-QD LTE 287339
UX-OCTO LTE 287340
UX-QT LTE 287302
UX-WB LTE 287541
Wideband LNB with 2 outputs, separate H/V polarity (L.O. 10.410MHz)
UX-MBS6 LTE 287139
UX-MBTW6 LTE 287140
UX-MBQD6 LTE 287141
SCD2-16LNB 287421
LNB with an SCD2 (dCSS) output capable of serving up to 4 SCR SAT decoders and, simultaneously, the new SKY-Q [...]
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