Motor ship Zeus Palace

impianto in fibra ottica


Centralized TV and SAT IF/IF system with fibre optic signal transport


Motor ship Zeus Palace,Grimaldi Euromed, through Italy-Greece navigation



Giuseppe Di Febbraro


Distribute the signal from the decoders to TVs via Digital Television, so that both Italian and Greek channels are visible during navigation.
Perform the “OVERRIDER” switch function to view the safety videos on all TVs.


To meet the customer’s needs, it was decided to replace the 10 TV decoders on board with 2 compact D-MATRIX 4S EVO head-ends, capable of receiving the desired HD or SD programs from different satellite transponders and transmodulating them at output in the digital multiplexes available throughout the whole TV band.

In this way, with the centralized management of the programming, it is no longer necessary to set in every single decoder to offer customers the requested contents; maintenance is also simplified because the D-Matrix head-ends can also be managed remotely via PC or smartphone.

Provided with 2 Common Interface slots each, the head-ends are used to distribute national RAI, Mediaset and tivùsat programs and international programs, in particular from the Greek provider NOVA.

The system is also equipped with an HMODTV-LT modulator which converts 1 internal program for the diffusion of contents relating to the ship’s activities – information, excursions, programs of the day – plus 1 program of your choice remodulated by a satellite receiver: in this way, depending on the needs, it is possible to insert a new content, for example to meet the needs of foreign customers or on the occasion of a particular event.

The signal is then converted into an optical signal through the OPT-TX transmitter for horizontal distribution to all optical termination boxes. The task of the OPT-RX optical receiver will be to convert the signal back to coaxial, in order to reach all the outlets.

Fibre Optic advantages

Especially in the carrying out of signal distribution systems on ships, the use of fibre optic is recommended for many technical and installation advantages.

In addition to the enormous bandwidth availability and the ease of cabling given its small size, fibre optic  is characterized in particular by its complete immunity to electromagnetic interference and environmental conditions – let’s think about the saltiness – making it the ideal vector to guarantee perfect quality of the signal.

Switch overrider function

Besides the television signals, the Fracarro system also includes the possibility of distributing the safety program for navigation. Thanks to a special programming of the D-MATRIX head-ends, the TV channels can be blacked out at any time, to broadcast technical messages, for example in the event of an emergency.

Solutions and services for maritime communication systems

impianto in fibra ottica


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