Code 283135

Satellite S2

The new D-Matrix-4S FTA power plant, which joins

to the family of compact control panels is ideal for

receiving and remodulating Free To


D-Matrix-4S F TA makes it possible to receive from 4 different

independent satellite transponders the HD

or SD free desired and to remodulate them to output in the 4

available digital multiplexes (COFDM or QAM) across the entire

tV band.

Technical chars

  • Multiple SAT inputs: 4 independent SAT inputs(DVB-S2), 4 output DVB-T/DVB-C modulators (2 pairs of adjacent modulators).
  • ImprovedWEB interface: programming the control unit is even more intuitive.
  • "Mux-ad-Hoc": ability to create your own mux at will with programs chosen from 4 independent SAT sources
  • ARP 2.0 = Automatic Recovery Procedure allows you to safeguard programs with higher priority and ensure continuity in service
  • AUTO REMAPPING functionality: ability to change the channels to be distributed in real time without TUNING TELEVISORS!!!!!!
  • Multi-functionUSB port for upload/download of existing configurations, module firmware upgrade and video playback (TS supported file format).
  • DVB-T/DVB-C output modulation selectable during programming: one product satisfies any coax distribution!!!
Code 283135
Input no. 4
Input level dBµV 50-80


Input band 950-2150
Input AFC MHz ±5
Symbol rate Mbps 2-45
FEC 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, AUTO
Remote feeding mA 400mA@18V max
LNB controls DiSEqC 1.0
Multiplexes created 4 (2 pairs of adjacent digital multiplexes)
Output S2-E69
Output frequency dB 111-862
Tuning step KHz 250
Max output level dBµV 95
Level adjustment dB 0 to 20
Flatness dB ±1.5
MER RF dB ≥36
Spurious rejection dB <-50
Spectrum Normal, inverted
Operating method Normal, single carrier
DVB-T Modulation
Band MHZ 6,7,8
Output QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM
FEC 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
Carriers 2k, 8k
Guard interval modulation 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32
DVB-C Modulation
Output 16QAM, 32QAM, 64QAM, 128QAM, 256QAM
Single channel band Related to output symbol rate
FEC Reed Solomon (204, 188)
Symbol rate Mbps From 1000 to 6999
IP output
Connectors 4
Connectors SW update and video playback (type A, FAT32 filesystem, .TS file playback)
Programming mode Web interface
Current consumption W 38
Common interface -
Operating temperature °C -10 to +50
Dimensions and packaging
Pieces 1
EAN code 8016978103140
Packaging dimensions mm 300 x 400 x 70
Product dimensions mm 305 x 230 x 54
Packaging weight kg 2.6

Categorie prodotto

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