
Code 283162

Satellite S2

DVB-S/S2 to DVB-T/C Transmodulator, 3DG-4S2-4T can receive from 4 different independent satellite transponders and the Back Panel ("Smart & Pool") the desired HD or SD programs, decrypt them tamite the Professional CAMs and remodulate them to output in the 4 available digital multiplexes (COFDM or QAM) in the whole TV band.

Technical chars

  • Multi-Inputs: 4 independent SAT inputs (DVB-S2/S), "USB Input" for external content management and back-Panel Input/Output.

  • 4 output DVB-T/DVB-C modulators (2 pairs of adjacent modulators) available in 3DG-4S2-4T version.

  • FlexCAM mode: programs from any SAT input can be forwarded to the same CAM.

  • "Smart & Pool" functionality for flexible content management: the new generation of 3DG-EVO modules uses high-speed bi-directional Back-Panel.

  • ARP 2.0 = Automatic Recovery Procedure enables safeguarding higher priority programs and ensuring continuity of service when the input data stream exceeds that allowed by DVB-T or DVB-C standards

  • "Mux-ad-Hoc": possibility to create your own mux at will by choosing programs from all the new generation modules inserted in the same BOX and to manage all descriptor parameters of individual programs (LCN, SID, PID, Program name...) and MUXes (ONID, TSID, NetID,...).

Code 283162
Input no. 4
Input level dBµV 50-80
Demodulators DVB-S2 (8-PSK, QPSK), DVB-S (QPSK)
Input band 950-2150
Input AFC MHz ±5
Symbol rate Mbps 2-45
FEC 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, AUTO
Remote feeding mA 4 x125 max (14/18V)
LNB controls DiSEqC 1.0
Back panel
Output type TS Serial
TS outputs 48 pins on Back Panel
TS max bitrate Mbps 1,000 (bi-directional)
Multiplexes created 4 (2 pairs of adjacent digital multiplexes)
Output S2-E69
Output frequency dB 111-862
Tuning step KHz 250
Max output level dBµV 95
Level adjustment dB From 0 to 20
Flatness dB ±1.5
MER RF dB ≥36
Spurious rejection dB <-50
Spectrum Normal, inverted
Operating method Normal, single carrier
DVB-T Modulation
Band MHZ 6,7,8
Output QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM
FEC 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
Carriers 2k, 8k
Guard interval modulation 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32
DVB-C Modulation
Output 16QAM, 32QAM, 64QAM, 128QAM, 256QAM
Single channel band Related to output symbol rate
FEC Reed Solomon (204, 188)
Symbol rate Mbps From 1,000 to 6,999
IP output
Connectors 4
Connectors SW update and video playback (type A, FAT32 filesystem, .TS file playback)
Programming mode Web interface, keyboard and front display
Current consumption W 15 (without CAM), 20 (with CAM), extra consumption DVB-C 1.3
Common interface 2 x PCMCIA (Standard EN50221, TS10169) Flex CAM or Standard Mode
Operating temperature °C -10 to 50; -10 to 45 (with CAM)
Conformity EN50083-2, EN60065
Dimensions and packaging
Pieces 1
EAN code 8016978099320
Packaging dimensions mm 305 x 220 x 88
Product dimensions mm 245 x 208 x 54
Packaging weight kg 1.154

Categorie prodotto

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